Greetings! I am Meeran E. Mandhini, a 57-year-old computer enthusiast from Chennai, India. I am on a journey to become a self-taught software developer. Join me as I share my learning experiences.
I have been using text expansion as a powerful productivity tool to save countless keystrokes and hours of typing time. I was used to using a-Tex and...
Today, I will explain how I built a chat app using Python and Streamlit that runs on the OpenAI API. It is a fun and rewarding project that allows you...
A step-by-step guide to setting up Synology NAS. · Network-attached storage (NAS) systems, such as Synology, are crucial for safe data backup and storage...
A Simple Note-Taking Application · Description: A straightforward note-taking application saves your text notes in a database and retrieves them when...
PIP is an acronym for Package Installer for Python. Its primary function is to install and manage software packages written in Python that may be...
with simple Python scripts · Description: Automating the process of sending WhatsApp messages to multiple people not in your contact list can simplify...